Sunday, 22 July 2012

Save the dates

Dear members,

Potatoes are enjoying the garden:

Here is a summary of our forthcoming activities (administrative, garden and others) and the dates to save in  your agenda. The most important one is probably the Sunday 25th of November 2012. We'll not only hold the General Meeting to decide of our future, but we'll have another great fun community day, probably involving more music and a fun night and a photo competition.

I also draw your attention on 4 important dates on the calendar below (on top of the weekly working bees):

  • Next Sunday 29th of July, we'll set up a cold frame, worm farm and prepare some seedlings to plant soon.
  • On the 9th of September, we'll have a bus tour to visit other community and kitchen garden in the Illawarra. Details to be confirmed soon, but register your interest (by answering yes to the calendar invite you ll soon receive).
  • On the Monday 1st of October (public and school holiday) we'll organise (if council approves) a fundraising day at Bald Hill with cakes and crepes.
  • On the 27th of October, we'll hold a PechaKucha night(20 slides in 10 mins about any subject, give you an opportunity to communicate experiences, ideas and things you are passionate about).
Please answer this survey (link here) to express your ideas and opinions on the future of the association. We'll use the results to draft the 'Manifesto' to be approved at our general meeting. 
But before then, feel free to come to the monthly bureau meetings, to suggest idea, comments, react, propose and help (watering the plant, drawing plant signs names, discussing the plants to put on the terrace, leaflets in letter box.....from little things big things grow). 


For those who didn't join already, you can join the association now, more information here.

Monday, 9 July 2012

Next working bee: Sunday 29 July 2012

Our next working bee will be on the Sunday 29 of July 2012

The next working bee will take place on the Sunday 29th of July 2012, at the garden, from 11am onwards.
New members are more than welcome and can download their membership form here.

The program for that day

Learning about 'Worm farms' and 'Cold frame'
Building a mini worm farm and a mini cold frame
Kids will also plant their own seedlings.
BRING: finished toilet roll, gardening tools, BYO foods and drinks for the BBQ.

Recipe ideas for our potato crop (bring a recipe)

Preparing our big fundraising events (summer 2012-2013);
Calendar of garden management between working bees.

For those who want to be more involved in the Association

All skills, ideas and activities are welcome. We'll meet up every second Thursday, of the month at 7pm at the club house.

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Hi everybody,

We had a wonderfull day today, and all the members who left their emails will have received two links with the photo albums (gaetane and lucy, if you want to add your pictures, send them to the usual blog email and ill add them up).

Thanks so much to the musicians (John, Phil, Chris and Willow (from Chokoh)), to the cooks, and to our great team who prepared the potato patch yesterday (James, Chris, Lucie, Adam, Madeleine, Phil, Dan, Brownyn, Andrew), and thanks Dan for the sound system. Thank Kerin as well who got some tennis racket and balls for the kids to play around. Sorry if i forgot anyone.

I've got 16 membership forms with me and i know some people took some with them. Drop an email to AT when your transfer is done. This week would be great.
The wonderfull news is that we'll be able to pay for the insurance and extra costs.

In the idea box: playgroup, yoga, photo competition, more gardening, brewery....and in deed caring and loving for our potatoes and possibly some more tennis players.

Next working bee/meeting is on the Sunday 29 of July (morning). We still have one patch to plant, a bit of weeding and caring. We could also paint the inside of the house: so look around if you have some paint which would go onto laminate walls (we'll keep the Robin William Poster in deed ??).

Gaetane and Andrew (for the OCGA).