FREE PERMACULTURE WORKSHOP - Saturday 8 December - 3:30 pm
The Otford Community Garden is planning its future design with the help of two professional 'permaculturist'.
In this context, we'll have a 4 hours workshop where you are all invited. A fantastic opportunity to discover PERMACULTURE IN ACTION.
Daniel Deighton and Aaron Sorensen have been involved in permaculture projects in the Illawarra for over a decade, and are the co-founders of the Living Classroom school garden program now operating in 8 schools across the region. They've been involved in establishi
In this context, we'll have a 4 hours workshop where you are all invited. A fantastic opportunity to discover PERMACULTURE IN ACTION.
Daniel Deighton and Aaron Sorensen have been involved in permaculture projects in the Illawarra for over a decade, and are the co-founders of the Living Classroom school garden program now operating in 8 schools across the region. They've been involved in establishi
ng community gardens: Daniel founded The Laneway in Port Kembla, and Aaron The Garden at the North Gong PCYC.
Next working bee: Sunday 29 July 2012
The program for that day
Learning about 'Worm farms' and 'Cold frame'
Building a mini worm farm and a mini cold frame
Learning about 'Worm farms' and 'Cold frame'
Building a mini worm farm and a mini cold frame
BRING: finished toilet roll, gardening tools, BYO foods and drinks for the BBQ.
Recipe ideas for our potato crop (bring a recipe)
Preparing our big fundraising events (summer 2012-2013);
Calendar of garden management between working bees.
Recipe ideas for our potato crop (bring a recipe)
Preparing our big fundraising events (summer 2012-2013);
Calendar of garden management between working bees.

Inauguration: 1st of July 2012
From 10 am to 5pm.BBQ, music, garden bed building and 'spud planting.
Goodies to share.
Opportunities to learn more about the garden and to become a member.
You want to be involved:
WE of the 26/27 of May 2012
The next working bee is on the WE of the 26/27 of May 2012. The plan is:
- Preparing the bed for potatoes - planting potatoes : IF WE HAVE WHAT WE NEED.
- Introducing the auspicing organisation (if it works).
- Electing a bureau (President - Treasurer - Secretary - Fundraiser coordinators).
- Membership forms.
- Organising a local July event to collect materials (team, communication, date).
- Organising an August verge gardening day (team, communication, date).
- Organising a bus tour of other Community Garden (team, communication, date).
- Organising a spring big fundraiser events.
- Keeping the working bees happening to have a good crop of potatoes next spring.
Sunday 29th April 2012
, 9.00 AM, Otford Tennis court-club house
Proposed agenda:
- Breakfast serve waiting for everybody to arrive
- Who's who
- Rough results of the survey/Exchange on the results of the survey to agree on cores principles which could constitute our 'Community Garden Philosphy or Strategy'
- A few words on Permaculture
- Possible lands: Pros and Cons and Q&A
- Possible grants
- Two words on political structure / Auspicing
- Organisation of verge gardening/fund raising: date and sites
What to bring: coffee, juice, savoury or sweet breakfast delights.
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