Watering rosters
Instructions: turn on the main water tap, plug the hose, open the tap, water each beds between 5 and 10 min depending on the heat of the previous days.You are two for each week, happy to forward you details of your teammate. Twice a week should be enough if you give it a good go.
You can also write on the chalkboard to say you have done it if you think its relevant and its not your week.(Please leave chalk under BBQ area)
14 oct - 20 oct: Gae + Kate
21 oct - 27 oct: Giles + Phil
28 Oct - 3 nov: Bron + Kerry
4 nov - 10 nov: Paul R + Chris W
11 nov - 17 nov: El + Adam
18 nov - 24 nov: James + Andrew
25 nov - 1 december: Narelle + Lachlan
Each time you go to the garden: bring food scrap to put in the worm tower and grass clipping or other compost matter to put in the compost bay.
If you want to help and your name is not here, it's because we don't have an updated copy of your membership form or it didnt make it to the final desk. Email here to confirm.