We have a Landcare grant, and we should start the work !-)
As you can see here,
we have been granted a Landcare grant. It is supposed to help us design
and build a garden with and for the community and particularly

As under the license we have with Council, we also have a new space a the back of the space. So we are revisiting the design discussed in our previous permaculture workshop (cf former blog on the Website).
With the help of Narelle Happ (from A Garden For Life), we'll now organise the following workshops - free for members:

As under the license we have with Council, we also have a new space a the back of the space. So we are revisiting the design discussed in our previous permaculture workshop (cf former blog on the Website).
With the help of Narelle Happ (from A Garden For Life), we'll now organise the following workshops - free for members:
- Saturday 16 March 2013 - 10am to 12pm - What is Permaculture / A proposed design for the garden / Listing the details of all the materials and steps. We'll also have a quick lunch and we'll finish mulching the lantana we removed a few weeks ago.
- Saturday 11th of May 2013: Building phase - all day from 11 am.
- Sunday 25th of May 2013: Planting workshop - al day from 11 am.
Any questions?
We need to prepare the soil, and so we have to mulch the Lantana. So if you want to contribute, drop us a line (otford.garden at gmail.com). YES A BIT OF YOUR TIME AND STRENGHT WILL DO A LOT FOR OUR COMMUNITY.