Monday, 11 March 2013

Landcare grant

We have a Landcare grant, and we should start the work !-)

As you can see here, we have been granted a Landcare grant. It is supposed to help us design and build a garden with and for the community and particularly children.

As under the license we have with Council, we also have a new space a the back of the space. So we are revisiting the design discussed in our previous permaculture workshop (cf former blog on the Website).
With the help of Narelle Happ (from A Garden For Life), we'll now organise the following workshops - free for members:
  • Saturday 16 March 2013 - 10am to 12pm - What is Permaculture / A proposed design for the garden / Listing the details of all the materials and steps. We'll also have a quick lunch and we'll finish mulching the lantana we removed a few weeks ago.
  • Saturday 11th of May 2013: Building phase - all day from 11 am.
  • Sunday 25th of May 2013: Planting workshop - al day from 11 am.

Any questions?

We need to prepare the soil, and so we have to mulch the Lantana. So if you want to contribute, drop us a line ( at YES A BIT OF YOUR TIME AND STRENGHT WILL DO A LOT FOR OUR COMMUNITY.

Sunday, 3 March 2013

New design- new space

Two weeks ago, the boys cleared more than 25 sq meters of Lantana and other bush. Now we're mulching all this and measuring up everything in order to finalise a nice design including: garden beds, fruits trees, herbs, sitting area, watering, and all this kids friendly.

  • Finish the mulching (contact Gaetane/Andrew or Adriana/Giles to access the mulcher (run on unleaded and oil))
  • Turn the soil

This can be done every friday evening and sunday evening for the coming 3 weeks.

Regarding the design and building of a real garden, save the following dates:
  • 16 or 17th of March - Permaculture design workshop (30 min on permaculture and 1h30 on how this will be practically applier to our site)
  • Sunday 5th of May - Foundation workshop (building beds and the sitting area)
  • Sunday 19th of May - Finishing workshop (painting involved and kids workshops involved)